Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Ella and Livy at Tulip Time in Pella on Saturday! 
Ella will drop everything for a chance hold her baby sister...and apparently will drop her baby sister for a chance to hold a tulip!
It was obvious that many children attend the Tulip festival,
the proof can be found by all of the "headless" tulips!
My sweet girls! 
Livy is such a trooper, she has been battling a cold for over a week now, but she is still a happy girl!
Ella and Livy helped Daddy make pancakes for Mommy for breakfast in bed on Mother's Day!  I guess Ella had to sneak a taste while she was mixing them up - I have no idea where she learns this stuff!

Look at my little chef - bed head and all!

Thank you Daddy, Ella and Olivia for a wonderful Mother's Day!  My love for you all, grows every day!  You are my world and I am so grateful for our time together and making beautiful memories with you!  I am the luckiest Mommy to have the most perfect family! 
Happy Mother's Day to all the Mom's we love!

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