Thursday, July 14, 2011

Happy 4th of July!!!

Livy "hanging" in her jumper! She LOVES this thing! We went back to Nebraska for the 4th of July weekend and once again had awesome weather which meant a lot of outdoor fun!
Whoopsie!  Livy dropped her teether.  Oh well, looks like her finger works just as well to bust those teeth through!
Ella in her 4th of July dress!  So cute!  Thanks again, cousin Emma!

Livy's first lesson in drinking responsibly!
If I didn't know any better, I would say by her expression it looks like she has already had a few beers!
Bamma and the girls! 
Yes you are seeing this right, Livy's chubby ol' baby thunder thighs are bigger than Ella's thighs.
I love it!!!
Bamma and Livy relaxing on the deck!
So cool...Daddy and Livy in their shades!
Ella is obsessed with water!  Over the weekend she spent hours watering plants!

Ella taking a break from her watering to play with Livy!
This picture totally fits the girls personalities right now. 
Ella is on a mission to go do something as always, and Olivia is kicking back enjoying life with a huge smile on her face as always!
Momma's sleeping princesses!  I could sit here forever! 

Poor Ella was a true firecracker this 4th of July, she had a temperature for 6 days that peaked at 104.9 several times.  Like we always say, we have the best sick kids.  She was her normal self as long as she had a shot of Tylenol or Motrin in her.  Both of the girls traveled very well.  Livy didn't even make a peep on the way to Nebraska except for the occasional giggle!  Wow, looking at this picture is so bitter sweet, I can't believe how big Olivia is!  I still think of her as being so tiny and able to fit in my stomach.  I really need to figure out how to freeze time! 
My baby girl!  I love you little dolly! 
What is up with the red in your hair Olivia?!?!
I had to take a picture of the beautiful flowers from my fabulous husband.  Well, technically they are from Olivia to celebrate our 7 months of breastfeeding.  I am so sad that our special time is coming to an end, but so grateful to have had it.  Thank you Bob for all of your support, Livy for our incredible bonding experience of determination and patience , and Ella for letting me know that baby sissy's milk comes from "momma's boobies!" 

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