Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Girls Day at the Zoo!

With Daddy a work one gorgeous Sunday, the girls and I decided to head over to the Blank Park Zoo in town.  Here are the girls as we headed in. 
(I swear I fed Ella before we left, I'm not sure why she is eating Livy's foot!)
Since the zoo takes about 30 minutes to go through, (I am glad we have it, but it is certainly no comparison to Omaha's fantastic Henry Doorly Zoo) we decided to get Ella's face painted.  Ella being Ella, she didn't pick the cute little butterfly face, she picked the tiger.  That's my girl!  But, adding a touch of girly flare, she requested a pink tiger face. 
She loved the end result and proudly strutted around the zoo with her new makeup!
As I tucked Ella in for her nap, she gave me this adorable little tiger smile.  
What a fun day with my girls!

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