Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Iowa State Fair 1st Timers!

Smooch baby sissy!
These girls are excited to meet Uncle Ben, Aunt Megs, cousins Carson, Brady,
 and the whole Grier family at the Iowa State Fair!
Getting the troops ready at the Grier campsite.  Carson and Brady joined us for the photo op. 
I love this picture, it is the visual aide I use to convince Bob how great it would be for us to have at least 4 kids!  
Ella and Carson - too cool for the fair?...
...nah, just pacing themselves!
The chubby babies! 
 Brady and Olivia, full of smiles, ready to explore the fair...
...and after the fair, full of sleepies!  
Don't ya just want to crawl in there and snuggle with them!?!? 
Ella seeing the baby pigs.
Ella visiting the kids "farm" at the fair.
Can she rock the Pioneer hat or what!
C'mon daddy, we have some farming to attend to!
Collecting eggs from the chicken coop.
Visiting with Sally the sheep.
Dad, you have to pick up the pace, we are soooooo busy!
Time to milk the cow.
Mmmm, styrofoam carrots!  Yummy!
Time to feed the goats at the petting zoo.

1 comment:

  1. She's a natural farm girl! We're glad you guys were able to meet us for a great Fair fun day! Another annual "must" outing!
