Wednesday, September 28, 2011

More July Pictures!

Livy & Daddy. 
There is nothing more comforting in the world than a snuggle on Daddy's chest. 
I am sure even after many years down the road,
this will still be one of my favorite pictures of Bob and Liv. 
So precious!
Livy's flowers to Momma!
I had to take a picture of the beautiful flowers that my sweet little Olivia sent to me.  They were to celebrate our 7 months of nursing.  Just another reminder of how fast our little girl is growing up with this special time coming to an end.  I will always cherish our bonding Momma and Baby time Livy, I love you! 
And, thank you Bob for all of your support - we love you!
Livy and Papa enjoying some play time on the floor.  Are they discussing the Hawkeyes?
Ella showing off her swim moves for Papa and Bienna.
Cousin Time!  Thanks to the Grier Family blog where I snagged these pictures of the kiddos - thanks again Megs!

Ella, Brady and Carson trying to stuff themselves into the book box???
Carson, Ella and Brady  - they look like they are up to no good!
Papa and "The Big O" as he has nicknamed her!  So sweet!
Livy and her Nana! 
I wouldn't be surprised if these two planned to have Livy's headband and Nana's shirt match!
Bob with the kiddos taking in an intense game of badminton at Dale and Karen Matzen's house in Indianola.  The Matzen and Swanson families have been great friends since before Megan, Bob and the Matzen kids, Jenny, Kyle and Kara were even born. 
Aww, Uncle Bob!

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