Friday, September 2, 2011

Olivia's Baptism!

Olivia Lynn was baptized on Sunday, July 24th 2011 at Lutheran Church of Hope in West Des Moines.
Livy was surrounded by all of her grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and sister Ella for her special day.  Uncle Matt and Aunt Megan were her sponsors.   

I'm going to get baptized! 

Livy did a great job - she didn't cry when she had the water poured over her head or the oil put on. 
Although, she didn't cry, she seems to want to discuss with the Pastor,
just why he messed up her beautiful hair!
Ella giving Livy a kiss on her special day!
Livy with her Uncle Matt, Daddy, Mommy & Aunt Megan! 
We love you girl!
Whoa, my special day has wore me out! 

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