Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Henry Doorly Zoo!

We headed to Omaha for our annual zoo trip with Bamma at the beginning of the month!
Here we are, ready to take on the zoo! 

Ella and daddy in the butterfly exhibit.

Ella on one of the butterfly chairs outside of the exhibit.
We were so happy to see how much Livy enjoyed her first trip to the zoo!  We were disappointed that the aquarium was closed for renovations, but Olivia was very busy taking in all the other exhibits.

Bamma and Ella checking out the monkeys!

As always, Ella loves to climb! She enjoyed the lion above after recently watching The Lion King and the elephant below after watching Dumbo.

Apparently Ella also likes to climb on her daddy!
Crossing the bridge in the rain forest!


Both Livy and Ella enjoyed hanging from the vines in the rain forest!

Look at that tongue!

This will be one of those pictures that we embarrass Livy with when she is older! As we strolled through the Rhinoceros exhibit (as you can see in the background), Livy's drink soaked her outfit. So what is a 10 month old to do...well apparently just strip down to her diaper and change her clothes next to the Rhinos! Sorry Livy, but it was pretty cute! I swear, no one saw!

Yummy! Nothing like an ice cream cone break at the zoo!

We made it! Another great visit to the zoo!
Bamma getting Livy ready for her first time swimming in the hotel pool!

Aww Livy, we love that bikini body gorgeous girl! 

She is so precious!

Family swim!

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