Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween!!!

Happy Halloween from the Swanson Family!!!

Cupcake Livy & Pink Owl Ella

It seems as though Livy is already giving her daddy the look of "you are sooooooo embarrassing!"

Halloween Fun!  Here are the 4 of us with Ethan and Emma before trick or treating in Waukee.

Livy kicked back in her stroller to enjoy her first trick or treating experience.   We can only imagine how busy she will be next year!

Cupcake and Pink Owl playing in the leaves!

Happy 1st Halloween Olivia!!!
You are the yummiest cupcake ever!!!

Ready to go!

At Ella's request, Bob and I dressed up as Super Dad and Super Mom!  Even though it was Ella's idea, I think we may have had even more fun than the kids! 

Ella in her pink owl costume! 
She told me a while ago that she wanted to be an owl for Halloween.  We looked for owl costumes online to make and she saw a pink one.  Her response was adorable, she grabbed my arm and said, "I love it momma, it's my favorite, I be pink owl!"  So that is how the pink owl costume came to be.  She was so excited to wear it and thankfully it kept her nice and warm! 

Not to miss a chance to carry out a theme...we of course had to make our pumpkins match our costumes!  Livy had her cupcake pumpkin and Ella had her pink owl pumpkin!  Bonus - we were able to skip the mess of carving - yea!!!

Ella painting her pink owl pumpkin!
Daddy helped out with the painting and a kiss too!

Livy so excited to grab the cherry on top of her pumpkin!

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