Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Livy's 1 Year Pictures!

Our Doll Baby is One!!! Sweet baby Olivia, we love you so! What a blessing you have been this year. How did your mommy, daddy and big sis get so lucky?! You have been a dream since the day you were born and have brought more joy into our lives than you can ever know. With the patience of a saint, you have survived a whole year with a big sister who loves to smother you with affection! We are all head over heels in love with you! Each day you give us a million more reasons to smile and we love seeing your personality shine through. Your giggles and grins overflow our hearts. We look to the future with much anticipation of what you will do next! We love you, we love you, we love you!!!
Mommy, Daddy & Ella

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