Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!!!

Our second year of putting the girl's footprints on our tree skirt! Look how much they have grown! Olivia's feet at 12 months (2011) are about the same size that Ella's were at 20 months (2010)!
I don't mind the rate at which their feet grow, just as long as both of the girls end up being the same size as their momma - whoo hoo, triple the shoe collection! (I can hear Bob sighing now!)

Livy with her painted red piggies, ready to leave her footprints!

Ella with her painted red piggies, ready to leave her footprints!
Visiting Santa at the mall!  This was Olivia's first time seeing Santa!  Just like her bis sis, she enjoyed the visit, no tears thank goodness!

Sweet little princesses in their matching Christmas dresses and hair bows!

Present Overload at the Swanson Family Christmas!  Just a few of the millions of presents the girls opened with cousins Carson and Brady at Nana & Papa's house for Christmas!  Each year as the kiddos grow, they have more fun together, it is so sweet to watch them! 

Tubby time for Carson, Ella & Brady!
Christmas in Nebraska!  Livy & Ethan with drama girls Emma & Ella.

Livy hanging out with the snowmen!
Livy making sure that no one takes one of her new toys!
Peek-a-boo cousin Emma, I see you!
Christmas at Aunt Pat and Uncle Don's house!

Livy enjoying being the center of attention and getting spoiled by cousins Abbie, Kassie & Uncle Kirk!  She was so cute, crawling on each lap for loves and cuddles.  We were especially excited to see everyone for Christmas this year since we didn't make it back last year as Olivia was just 12 days old!


and more presents...

and one of the best presents...Nebraska gear for daddy!  Yea!!!

Ella modeling her animal print vest from Nana - thank you Nana, love it!

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