Monday, January 25, 2010

My BFF Kylie Jo!!!

Yea!!!  My BFF Kylie Jo Vaske came to visit yesterday!  She is such a sweet, pretty baby, that never stops smiling or giggling!  I can't believe she is 4 months old already!  Kylie, her mommy Christina and daddy Keith were all in town from St. Louis.  We love our time with the Vaske's, they are such great friends.  In fact, they were the first ones to find out that I was in mommy's tummy when we were in the Ozarks - whoa it seems like just yesterday!  When these girls get into mischief together someday, and they will - it will defiantly come from their fathers genes, not their perfect mothers!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Cousin Brady's 1st Visit!!!

Oh man, denied!  What's up with that Uncle Ben?

Ahhh, cousin Brady you are sooooo cute!
 Come here and let me give you a smooch!

Hey Aunt Megan - is this your baby? I thought you kept him in your tummy!?!?

                        I love babies!!! How did Brady get soooo much hair? I need to get in on that!

Ben, Megan and baby Brady came over Saturday after a big day of furniture shopping for their new basement remodel!  We are all excited for the basement to be finished so we can fire up the Margarita machine in their new bar!!!  It's will be quite the hot spot with a new bedroom, bathroom, bar, entertainment center, pool table, ping pong and tons of room to party - we just may move in! 

Brady keeps getting cuter and cuter!  He is such a quiet a little baby - I'm not sure what happened to Carson and Ella - they are wild little chatterboxes!  Ella loved being around Brady.  Somehow she knew to be gentle with him.  She really does love babies - especially Brady!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Ella's Latest Photo Shoot - 9 Months Old!!!

That's our girl! 
                   Ella's free spirit is shining through more and more each day.
                  She keeps us on our toes with her no fear attitude! 
             Hey Aunt Pat - can I work this headband you gave me or what?!?! I love you!

Brady Allan Grier!!!

Yea, he's here!!!!  January 11th 2010, our family received another precious blessing, Brady Allan Grier arrived!  All 9lb., 8oz. and 21" of him!  He is absolutely adorable and has tons on long dark hair!  (That explains all the heartburn huh Megs!)  Daddy-Ben, Mommy-Megan, Big Bro-Carson and Baby-Brady are all doing well!   We are so excited to get all of the kids together and spoil baby Brady rotten!

It's Christmas Time!!!

Bob in one of the small snow drifts that Nebraska had at Christmas.  We defiantly had a white Christmas this year!  He was scheduled to leave on the the 26th for Pasadena to work the Rose Bowl and National Championship games.  Instead of being in sunny California, he spent 2 more glorious days in Nebraska scooping and snowblowing!

Ella loved playing with the doggies Tagg and Maggie while we were in Nebraska for Christmas!  Then she found a stuffed puppy that was more her size to play with.

Since it is Ella's first Christmas, she got to have her own personalized tree topper.  She helped make this silver star that is decorated with snowflakes and says "Ella's 1st Christmas" on it. 

Ella was a very busy girl on Christmas Eve - she decided to do a whole lotta growing up all in one day.  She started the morning off by saying "da-da"!  (And hasn't stopped since - it's nonstop da-da from this girl!)  Then later that evening while we where at cousin Dave and Cindy's house, she decided to start crawling and pulling herself up to stand!  She is quite the little show off since she decided to do this while the entire family was watching!  Even though the weather was a bit scary, we were lucky enough to be with family and Ella was able to meet, Dave, Cindy, Uncle Don, Aunt Pat, Uncle Kirk, Aunt Lisa, Uncle Gordon, cousins Chris, Kassie, Abbie, Dalton and Dylan.  Ella, just like Bob and I, were so happy to see everyone - it just needs to be more often!  We had a great night with great food, drinks and family, (Dave & Cindy it was delicious!) and can't wait to see everyone in the summer when all of this snow is gone!

So sleepy...all this playing and present opening really wears a girl out! 
I'll just take a quick little nap before I start playing again.

I'm not going to be the youngest much longer!  My new cousin will be born on January 11th and I can't wait!  I already like to play with him while he is in Aunt Meg's tummy.  At Thanksgiving he was kicking me while I sat on her lap, so I thought for Christmas that I would just sit right on top of him!  See ya soon buddy!

Playing with cousin Carson

More presents and more presents and more presents and.....