Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Pregnant & Proud Mamas!

Me and 2nd time mama-to-be in 2 1/2 weeks Cassie Carpenter.  Cassie and I compared our baby bumps over ice water and Tums at the bar a few weeks ago at our friends Greg and Katie Dryer's going away party.  The Dryers have moved to Omaha, so at least they are still close!  Almost our entire group of friends was able to get babysitters for the night so it was a nice chance for all of us to catch up - so much fun!  Cassie and Robbie are expecting another baby boy to join big brother Fitz, who will turn 2 October 22nd.  We can't wait to meet the new little Carpenter!  I asked Cassie for a lot of advice when I had Ella as she was the first one in our group to have a baby.  Now that she will be the first one to have the baby/toddler combo, I am sure I will be asking her a lot more advice when our second bundle arrives in December!  (By the way Robbie and Bob, your days of having us as your designated drivers are numbered!) 

Time to Eat!

Ella and cousin Carson enjoying dinner together at their very own table. We went to Aunt Megan and Uncle Ben's house this past weekend to celebrate Nana Margie's birthday! Happy Birthday Nana!!!
Who knew, Ella would love corn on the cob so much! 
She is putting her new teeth to some good use!

Grace's Princess Birthday Party!

Grace Ziegler turned 3 a few weeks ago and invited Ella to her princess party! Cinderella is Grace's favorite princess, so Grace was able to convince Cinderella to come to her party. All of the girls had a wonderful time and received fabulous gifts such as light up tiaras and bead necklaces. Happy Birthday Grace - you are a princess!!!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Ozark Family Vacation!!!

On the pontoon in the Ozarks at Point Randall Resort!

More Ducks!

Ella loved the ducks at the resort, so we were sure to feed them before we headed home! 


First Pontoon Outing for the Ella & Kylie!

All the kiddos on the boat!  Kylie, Ella, Kathleen and Brody. 
Ella was also quick to find out how to change the radio stations!  Buttons, buttons, buttons!
Ella showing Michael where the boat horn is - oh great!

Stay off of the water - Ella is driving!!!  Not only did Michael take Ella on her first boat ride, but he let her drive the boat!  What a great day!  We made so many fun memories!  Thank you Michael!

Bob, Ella and Brody - off we go!

Kathleen, Michael, Brody, Bob and Ella.

Bob, Ella, Kylie and Keith.
Mommy and Ella getting ready to go out for round 2 on the boat!  The Vaske's headed back home to St. Louis that night.  After closing the office, Paulette joined the rest of us for more boating fun and dinner on the lake!  What a way to see the sunset!  
Kathleen and Ella at the bar- this will be trouble some day!
Brody, Kathleen and Ella on our evening/night boat ride!  We were able to be out on the boat at night, a first for the Swanson's - another great memory due to the Spriggs family.  The moon was amazing and it was so peaceful.  The kids were troopers staying up so late.  I think loading them up with Shirley Temples at dinner may have helped!  Ella was acting out a scene from Titanic on the ride home, standing on the front of the boat with arms out, pointing and screaming.  She was laughing so hard that she kept falling over!  We love our wild and crazy child!  

We are so fortunate to have wonderful friends in the Ozarks that spoil us rotten! We stay at Point Randall Resort which is owned by Michael and Paulette Spriggs. Michael and my brother Matt went to college together and have been friends for years. Michael, who is like another big brother and his wonderful wife Paulette hook us up when we stay there! They have two adorable children Brody who is 3 1/2 and Kathleen who is 22 months. They are true lake babies, talk about naturals on the boat and in the water! Michael took us out on Paulette's parents pontoon for the afternoon. So much fun! He gave us a tour of the lake, then dropped an anchor and the daddies and kids went for a swim! Michael is right, there is nothing like going for dip in the middle of the lake! The weather was perfect, as it always seems to be there.  Thank you Spriggs family for another fabulous vacation!  We love you! 

Wave Runners!

Bob and Keith got to sneak away on the wave runners for a while.  

Pool Time!!!

Ella and Kylie playing on one of their pool toys.  These girls love to swim.  Kylie is fish!  We couldn't get over what a great little swimmer she is.  She gets her little arms and legs going so fast - it's adorable!
Ella must have been trying to drink the water with her tongue sticking out.
Ella and Mommy showing off their big bellies in their bikinis!  Second trip in a row that mommy is pregnant in the Ozarks!  Apparently scheduling a trip there increases fertility!
Kylie swimming over to Ella and Bob who is sporting Ella's pink hat.  It's a great look for you daddy! 
Daddy's and their daughters!  Awww, so sweet!  These two girls are defiantly daddy's girls!  Bob and Keith spent the afternoon with their girls while Christina and I went out and did some damage at the outlet mall! 
Ready for the pool!  Ella's new thing is to put her sunglasses on
and when we yell out "fabulous" at her, she blows kisses!  What a cheese ball!

Family Vacation Photos!

The Swanson Family
The Vaske Family

Mischievous Girls!

Yes, that's our daughter - trying to climb to the railing on the balcony!  The child has no fear!
Little stinkers peering into the cabin waiting for their daddies to get back from golfing.  The mommies were waiting too!  A whole day with two tired girls who are cutting teeth on no sleep!  Ugh!  Christina and I had to remind ourselves often that day how much we love motherhood!  ;)

True Iowa Girls!!!

Ella and Kylie helping their daddies shuck corn on the balcony of our cabin in the Ozarks.  Kylie may have been born in St. Louis but she is still an Iowa girl.  Keith and Christina had a hankering for Grimes Sweet Corn so we were sure to bring some down for our vacation.  It was delicious - you gotta love the midwest!

We met our wonderful friends Keith and Christina Vaske and their little beautiful princess Kylie Jo in the Ozarks in August.  This is an annual trip for our two families.  We started this tradition 2 years ago, but skipped last year however, due to the blessed birth of Kylie in September.  We were so excited to bring our girls this year and enjoy the trip as families instead of just couples.  The girls were hilarious together, chasing each other around giggling and screaming.  It was a great trip and we are already anxious for next year!  

Sprinkler Time!

Ella enjoyed playing in the spinklers last weekend.  Any chance she get to be around water, she is there!  She had fun going between the sprinkler in the front yard and her spinkler in the back yard!

My Buddy, Cooper!

Ella's buddy Cooper Rideout was in town last weekend from Orlando.  His mommy Anne and daddy Ron were here to celebrate their anniversary.  Happy Anniversary Rideouts!  It was so fun to catch up with them and get the kids together.  They enjoyed swimming in the pool at the Embassy Suites - so did the daddies!

Breakfast With My Bodyguards - I Mean Cousins!

We met Uncle Ben, Aunt Megan, Cousins Carson and Brady for breakfast one day after the state fair to soak up some family time.  The Grier family had a busy extended weekend packed full of numerous activities.  It seems like with little ones, we never get enough time together, so we are sure to cherish the time we do get.  (Thanks for the picture Megan, I snagged it from your blog!)

The Ducks say "Quack Quack"!

Ella shouts out "ducks" everyday on the way to and from daycare when we pass the ducks and geese. We went to feed them a few weeks ago, Ella loved it. She had a great time chasing them around. And yes, in case anyone was in question, the ducks do go "quack quack", just ask Ella!