Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Happy 1st Valentine's Day Princess!!!

Have you ever seen a more adorable Valentine?
Oh, Ella you are a doll!

Ella with her new blanket and pillow for Valentine's Day. 
Ella gave wonderful presents to mommy and daddy too. 
She made a picture collage for daddy to hang in his office and a 
heart shaped Valentine with her hand prints for mommy. 
They were the best Valentines that mommy and daddy have ever received. 
We love you princess!

Aunt Pat Did It Again!

Yea!!! Aunt Pat - I loooooooove my new hat!
(Well, to be honest, at first I loved my new hat and the
envelope that it came in equally, as you can see by me eating it!) 
But now, I only love my new hat!  I had to try it on right away!  
Aunt Pat you sure know how to spoil a girl!  Thank you soooooo much! 
I am sending you lots of kisses and hugs!  
I am also sending lots of kisses and hugs to Uncle Don because
I want his knees to feel better very soon! I love you both! 

Time To Go To Work Gramps!

Ella helping Grandpa Jimbo get all decked out 
to work security for an Energy Basketball game! 
As if Ella doesn't look enough like her daddy,
she decided to sport his CSC Event Staff hat! 
G'pa and G'ma Swanson were in town for the weekend
and took us to one of Ella's favorite restaurants - Olive Garden on Friday!
As usual Ella turned on her charm to capture the attention of the
table next to us by exchanging her favorite raspberry noises!
G'ma, Ella and mommy hung out on Saturday
while G'pa and daddy went to work.  Just another excuse
for G'ma and mommy to order Chinese and drink wine!