We are thrilled to announce that the Swanson family is growing yet again! Baby #2 is due December 14th! Our little blessings will be 20 months apart! Let the girl or boy guessing begin! I am thinking it's a little boy, and Bob is convinced that he will be a father to all girls! Either would be wonderful, of course most importantly, we pray for a happy healthy baby. We have another ultrasound next Friday so we are trying to be strong and not find out the sex! Even though we are dying to know, just like we were with Ella, there is nothing like the moment of finding out when the baby is born. (Besides, I know it's a boy - mama's just know these things!) Ella is excited to become a big sis. She has been loving on the babies at daycare and she adores her baby cousin Brady. When we ask her where the baby is, she will point to my tummy and then point to hers! Too cute! Ella wore this onsie to make the big announcement to family.
We are so excited for your family to grow and have another play buddy! Boy or girl, we love 'em all!:)