Thursday, July 19, 2012

Sledding!  This was our only sledding adventure for the winter since we had so little snow.  We made the most of it though, even Livy was going down by herself laughing all the way.

Playing on the ever so loved Ariel car.

Happy Birthday Papa! 
Papa was in town working for daddy so the girls surprised him by baking him a birthday cake.  Mommy and daddy surprised him with a bottle of margaritas.  Luckily Papa shared both of his surprises, yummy!

Making Valentine's Day Cookies!

Oh Ella, how nice to share with your sister!
Livy looks repulsed by the fact that Ella is licking her fingers!


Olivia and Ella want to pass along a special thank you to Aunt Pat for their adorable dresses!  We love you Aunt Pat!

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